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tram-overheard tram-otherwise tram-overboard  


Over 20 Friday evening Departures during a Melbourne’s 2006/07 summer, 20 pairs of strangers met to have an 'overheard' conversation whilst travelling a lap of the city; 20 different groups of artists led an 'overboard' improvised performance journey for a lap of the city; 20,000 souvenir artwork tickets were gifted, 40,000 passengers ‘otherwise’ encountered one another in a uniquely disarming and free public setting whilst onboard hosts from Karachi and Melbourne broke the ice of public inhibitions, cajoled strangers to share a bit of themselves and discover what shared experience across cultural and generational differences can be, and … yes, the most unlikely assemblages of people can spontaneously combust into dancing together on W11 Tram.

The summer season reached a climatic end with a monsoon-like downpour on 23 March amongst Federation bells chiming onboard, ghazal songs and tabla, somosas, chai and tram loads of sweaty enthusiasm. The destination of W11 Tram is unknown. To keep posted, send an email to info (at) with ‘subscribe’ in the message title.

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