Tramjatra Book


tramjatra: imagining Melbourne & Kolkata by tram-ways
book outline

0 Forward - Mick Douglas


1 which tram?
Debasish Bhattacharryya, Roberto D'Andrea, Jayanta Basu, Mick Douglas and Mahadeb Shi


2 conduct - Prabir Kumar Goswami and Roberto D'Andrea

3 still, getting there - Soumitra Das

4 jatras

5 Kolkata's tram conveys ordinary people - Sarna Chitrakar

6 journeying and seeing - Jogi Panghaal

7 passage - Suzie Attiwill


8 passengers
Anirban Basu, Paul Bateman, Ranjita Biswas, Keith Butler, Aparna Das, Lyall Johnson, Malcolm Just, Mary Kalantzis, Paul Molyneux, V. Ramaswamy, S.R. Rajen.

9 transports of pleasure - Dipesh Chakrabarty

10 engaging contradiction - Catherine Murphy

11 made for a hybrid viewer: tramjatra - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

12 ticket and travel - Bruce C. Wearne

13 pedagogic possibilities of tramjatra - Fazal Rizvi

14 speculations


tramways dossier

image index

Posted by tramtactic at September 7, 2005 10:29 PM